Best Freelance Presentation Designer

If you are here by searching Best Freelance Presentation Designer , then you are in the right place , it’s a hard job to find or Select the best person or expert for your work, also powerpoint is a very complicated program , so make sure your programmer also has the best  and Latest information about the program ,if he has that then you can go further with him. Before you contact Top Freelance Presentation design experts for Hire you should also Know the basic of it otherwise you will end up hiring the wrong person. In this post I will show you a basic of powerpoint program.

There is a lot going on with the PowerPoint program screen, so this lesson will help you become more familiar with it.

Understand The PowerPoint Screen before contact Best Freelance Presentation Designer :

A Title Bar: Displays the name of the current file. 

The Title bar is located at the top in the center of the PowerPoint window. The Title bar displays the name of the presentation on which you are currently working. By default, PowerPoint names presentations sequentially, starting with Presentation1. When you save your file, you can change the name of your presentation.

C Display Options: Here you can change how much of the ribbon is displayed, minimize, maximize or restore the screen, or close PowerPoint altogether.
B Quick Access Toolbar: This is a fast way to access some of the most used features. 

Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar. The Quick Access toolbar provides you with access to commands you frequently use. By default, Save, Undo, and Redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar. You use Save to save your file, Undo to rollback an action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you have rolled back.

D Ribbon: This is where you’ll find all the options you need to create a presentation. The options are grouped into tabs. 

You use commands to tell PowerPoint what to do. In PowerPoint 2007, you use the Ribbon to issue commands. The Ribbon is located near the top of the PowerPoint window, below the Quick Access toolbar. At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs; clicking a tab displays several related command groups. Within each group are related command buttons. You click buttons to issue commands or to access menus and dialog boxes. You may also find a dialog box launcher in the bottom-right corner of a group. When you click the dialog box launcher, a dialog box makes additional commands available.

E Microsoft Account User Info: Shows current user information. Click to view account options. I Status Bar: Displays information about the presentation, such as slide numbers and buttons to view notes or comments. 

PowerPoint Online may be only a web app that runs in your browser, but that hasn’t stopped Microsoft from making it so full-featured that it includes almost all interface elements typically found in desktop programs, including a Status bar! Let us explore both the Status Bar as a whole and individual options within this Status Bar.

F Slide Pane: Shows a large view of the selected slide. This is where edits are made and objects are selected. 

slide pane is a feature available in some programs, usually found on the left side of the window. It displays thumbnails of files or features available in the program. For example, the slide pane in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations displays all of the slides in a presentation. This menu allows the user can click each of the slides to view and edit them individually.

J View Shortcuts: Quickly switches between the available View options.
G Thumbnails Pane: Shows thumbnails of all the slides, numbered in the order they’ll appear. K Zoom Slider: Zooms in or out of a slide by simply clicking and dragging. Or use the + or – buttons to zoom.
H Notes Pane: Holds notes for the presenter to read while presenting.


Some of the Basic tasks for creating a PowerPoint presentation or looking for Best Freelance Presentation Designer :


If you know this basic stuff about power point presentation, then you can think of Top Freelance Presentation Design Experts for Hire.

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